Thursday, 15 April 2010

Album of the Week: Lost Highway

Loving the Trent Reznor produced  Lost Highway soundtrack at the moment, especially the Brian Eno mix of  the “I’m Deranged” track by Bowie and the mourneful-esque “Eye” track by Smashing Pumpkins. It’s just full of varied surprises you know.
Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails) takes on a similar role that he had on the soundtrack to Oliver Stone's 'Natural Born Killers' - he is the album producer, but also adds snippets from the movie, and makes the tracks seamlessly flow together. In both cases, the album becomes not necessarily a companion to the film anymore, but rather almost a work of art in itself.  bimwa Amazon Reviewer
 And this is what David Lynch had to say about the soundtrack:
"Half the film is picture, the other half is sound. They've got to work together. I keep saying that there are ten sounds that will be correct and if you get one of them, you're there. But there are thousands that are incorrect, so you just have to keep on letting it talk to you and feel it. It's not an intellectual sort of thing."

                              Lynch & Louboutin collaboration project. 


"I heard the song [This Mortal Coil's "Song to the Siren"] in the 80's and I'm not sure whether it was 85, but I really pretty desperately wanted to use it in Blue Velvet and it was tied up in some sort of legal thing, or it was either that or something involving a lot of money and we couldn't get it. And it broke my heart..."

"I'd been waiting and waiting and there it was [another opportunity to use the song] and its definitely high on my list as one of all time most beautiful songs"

Now that is fucking bizarre, as I have been listening to the Cocteau Twins version of that song only the other day, and totally thought that it was totally beautiful and ethereal.

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