Thursday, 1 April 2010

Lara Stone Blamed for Gap-Teeth Craze

Gap teeth are The beauty accessory of the moment right now. 
Georgia May Jagger, Lara Stone and Vanessa Paradis can all be seen in many high-profile advertisement campaigns looking like modern day Brigitte Bardots who have spent the night having a threesome with Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin, whilst Hermes took style notes.

Storm Modelling Agency, famous for discovering pint-sized Kate Moss scoffing burgers in an airport, have remarked on how more and more clients are now demanding for gap teethed models for shoots and campaigns:
“From the Wife of Bath to Betty Blue, people have always been attracted to the allure of the gap toothed wench. We just can’t keep up with demand, and have had to send a whole bunch of young Russian models to the dentist to get more gaps happening.”
Another leading model agency, which preferred to speak off the record, commented:
“Everyone is asking for the Lara Stone look right now, and so we're urging some of our  younger models to shave their eyebrows off and go to a dentist to get any semblance of a gap widened. Tectonic plate shifting is also happening in the modelling world you know, just on a smaller scale, and concentrated on the mouth.”
An anonymous magazine editor said: “Kate Moss was blamed for the heroin-chic look,  Jodie Kidd for the waif look and Heather Mills for everything. Now Lara Stone is blamed for inspiring young models to widen the gaps in their teeth in a bid to look like her and bag themselves a cast member of Little Britain.”

And the civilian population is not immune to the craze either, as leading cosmetic dentists have noted a rise in gap tooth widening procedures, called Diastema Canyon Maximus.
“Anyone can get the Cheryl Cole veneer look now, and people are looking for something different and fashionable,” said leading cosmetic dentist, Dr Chiu O.N Diss.
“The Disatema Canyon Maximus procedure allows image conscious women to achieve the desired Lara Stone/Brigitte Bardot pout. The treatment comes as a whole package, as we provide the latest technology in lip augmentation in order to achieve that wanton pout look which made people like Beatrice Dalle an international sex icon.”

Lara Stone commented on the dangerous oral craze she started off by saying: “Yes, I think I am sexy.”


  1. Oop! Ha ha ha, I was just about to comment on how outrageous i thought it was that any practicing dentist would be allowed to do this. D'oh! He he he. x L


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