Angelique is to sailor girls what artist Olivia is to pin-up models.
Angelique Houtkamp is the Dutch blond bombshell of the contemporary tattoo world. She is a world famous tattoo artist, painter and purveyor of babyskulls .. yes baby skulls!
Her body of work is characterised by its clean simple lines which are instantly recognisable and often humorous. Through her personal take of the classic sailor dog tattoos and Art Deco lines , Angelique has created an uber cool illustrated universe populated by pirate girls, sailor's sweethearts and snake ladies, amongst other darling characters.

"Classic old school tattoo imagery mixed with mythological dreams, antropomorphed critters, nautical iconography and haunting Hollywood romance by way of Angelique's distinctive painterly magic and eye for style."I have a few framed pics of her illustrations, you can purchase yours by clicking HERE
Angelique has already released a number of books, most of which have completely sold out.
These babyskulls are made with plaster of Paris and painted with oilpaint.They are inspired by the Hallstatt skulls, the day of the dead and the custom of adorning the bones and skulls of ancient Saints.
The majority of these are sold. Angelique is planning to make more in the future. Commissions are possible.
The majority of these are sold. Angelique is planning to make more in the future. Commissions are possible.
" Death Before Dishonor" Babyskull, Pictured left.
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